CloudMonix frequently asked questions

How do I add CloudMonix agent to Azure Cloud Services (Web/Worker roles)?
CloudMonix agent is not required to be installed on Web/Worker roles in order to monitor/scale them.  However, it does provide more monitoring capabilities,...
Wed, 13 May, 2015 at 8:01 AM
What monitored resource types can CloudMonix agent be installed on?
From an OS perspective, CloudMonix agent can be installed on any Windows machines that support .NET Framework 4.52 or later as well as most modern distribut...
Tue, 5 Mar, 2019 at 11:08 AM
Can I add more users to my CloudMonix account?
Yes!  New users can be invited to join an account from Subscription Settings\User Management screen.  Learn more here
Wed, 19 Aug, 2015 at 2:59 PM
Can I assign different rights to different users within my CloudMonix account?
Yes!  Users can have separate access to configuraiton, billing, user management, and account (subscription) management. Learn more here.
Wed, 19 Aug, 2015 at 2:57 PM
Can I get SMS messages instead of or in addition to email alerts?
Yes.  CloudMonix integrates with Twillio, a leading provider of SMS-based API services.  Learn more here.
Mon, 13 Apr, 2015 at 10:55 PM
What is Severity setting for alerts and actions used for?
Severity on alerts and actions is useful for a number of reasons: When receiving a notificaiton about an event (an alert that has been raised or ...
Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 at 2:56 PM
I'm a System Integrator, can I support multiple customers with CloudMonix?
Yes.  CloudMonix has a number of features for consulting organizations that need to support multiple customers.  Clicking on the account name underneath Clo...
Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 at 2:57 PM
What happens if I monitor more resources than my subscription plan allows?
Subscription plans indicate the very minimum billing amount.  Users can absolutely monitor more.  Pricing is calculated on an hourly basis and is prorated b...
Thu, 12 Mar, 2015 at 3:05 PM
When enabling auto-scaling, can I set limits to maximum and minimum amount of servers?
Yes.  Auto-scaling ranges enforce the boundaries on scaling.  You can define one or more auto-scaling ranges (boundaries) that provide minimum, maximum, or ...
Thu, 12 Mar, 2015 at 3:13 PM
Can I auto-scale Azure Cloud Services?
Yes.  Auto-scaling for Azure Cloud Services is supported.  CloudMonix allows you to determine how to auto-scale Azure Cloud Services by using any type of a ...
Thu, 12 Mar, 2015 at 3:17 PM