Q: I've added an Azure Service Bus Topics resource with the default monitoring template, but there is no data. How do I get data to show up?
A: There is one possible and one definite reason why ASB Topic resources show no data after being added to the template with default configuration.
- Ensure that ASB credential specified is on the "namespace" level and has Manage claims
Default monitoring template for ASB Topics does not contain any meaningful metrics. This is because such metrics are Topic-specific. CloudMonix default monitoring templates have no "knowledge" about specific Topics in your ASB namespace. In order to start tracking data for your ASB Topics resource, bring up its configuration editor and add a few metrics for specific Topics or Subscriptions that you need monitored.
- AzureServiceBusTopicDetailsList - tracks list of subscriptions by topic. Ensure that metrics of this type are "Highlighted on Dashboard" in order to be visible on dashboard
- AzureServiceBusActiveMessageCount - tracks number of active messages across all subscriptions in a topic
- AzureServiceBusDeadLetterMessageCount - tracks number of dead-letters across all subscriptions in a topic
- Learn more about ASB monitoring capabilities of CloudMonix here