In addition to providing native integration support for a number of popular systems and services, CloudMonix allows users to publish their alerts and notifications to their own http endpoints via its Custom Webhooks integration. This maybe useful for users who need to capture notifications that CloudMonix publishes in their own specific systems, services, or storage.
Basic steps to setup an integration with custom Webhooks
Create a new Webhooks Integration in CloudMonix
(Optionally) Customize a set of Notification templates that goven how XML, JSON or FORM payloads will look like
Tell CloudMonix which notifications should be sent to defined Webhooks
Detailed steps for Webhooks integration
It is assumed that an existing receiving HTTP(S) endpoint has been developed or already exists. It is also assumed that user is familiar with how this endpoint works and how data, posted to this endpoint should look like.
Detailed steps to setup Webhooks integration as follows
Navigate to Integrations screen and create a new Webhooks Integration.
Specify URL endpoint for target webhook
Specify web method to use for this endpoint (most common is likely POST)
Optionally specify Basic Auth credentials, User-Agent and Content Type
Optionally specify custom header as maybe required by the endpoint
- Optionally choose to ignore invalid SSL errors (great for test environments)
What is being published to this webhook is described in Notification Templates, here. Visit Notification Templates screen and define a new notification template for specific webhook, as it is assumed that custom webhooks demand custom "content" posted to them.
- Now, the last step is to tell CloudMonix what notifications and from what resources need to be published to this custom Webhook
- Navigate to Notifications screen under Account Settings in CloudMonix and create a new notification rule that sends notifications from resources to your newly defined Zendesk Integration. Learn more about Notification Management here.
Currently unsupported scenarios for Webhooks integration
Certificate-based authentication
Bearer-token based authentication
- Callbacks into CloudMonix
- Data returned back to CloudMonix