The Notification Management screen tells Netreo Essentials who should get what notifications and with what minimum severities. In a nutshell, the Notification Management screen acts as a central router that directs where notifications go and how these notifications look. Each entry on the Notification Management screen is a delivery rule. Users can configure the settings so that notifications only from certain resources or resource categories, of certain minimum severities, and/or using specific notification templates are delivered to specific users or integration points.
Netreo Essentials internally features a publish/subscribe notification system. Notifications in Netreo Essentials are raised from Alerts, Actions or Scaling actions of a resource. Setup of what specific notifications are raised is done through the resource configuration dialog via the Alerts, Actions, Scaling Ranges and Adjustment tabs. Each notification has a severity (Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical).
It is also possible to control what notifications are sent at the Notification Rule-level by configuring Netreo Essentials to not send certain type of notifications (e.g. when an alert is turned off). That option is particularly useful when configuring rules for integrations. Users can then decide what kind of information should be posted to a particular integration channel.
When specifying rules for the delivery of notifications, administrators can define delivery rules for a specific resource, resource category or the overall account.
The "Minimum Severity" field can filter out any notifications of lower severity. The "Send to" field defines who or what should receive a particular notification. Targets for notifications can be a user's email address (when an Alert Email is configured for that user), a user's SMS (when an Alert Phone number is configured for that user and Twilio integration is configured), a user's Twitter (feature not yet available), PagerDuty service, webhook integration point, and HipChat and Slack chat channels.
For example, a company may choose to send all of its Critical notifications coming from any resources to its CEO, while sending Information and "higher" notifications to support engineers on the team. (Notifications from resources in the Database resource category can be delivered to database administrators and notifications of Error or higher severity can be sent to a Pager Duty integration service.)
Delivery rules can also be further customized with specific text-based templates that can be used when sending notifications. For example, it maybe important to change text or provide specific instructions in the alert email to certain members on the team for alerts of a certain severity or from a certain source.