Advanced configuration settings tab provides additional resources monitoring options in CloudMonix. 

These settings are optional and are created with default settings suitable for most use-cases during the resource creation.

Getting started 

Advanced configuration pane tab for an existing resource can be accessed by clicking the resource's monitoring settings in the performance dashboard:

Monitoring settings

Available settings 

advanced settings

Field description:

Notes - optional field to enter resource description.

Retries if timed out - specifies the number of times connection to a resource will be retried on time out before an outage is recorded.

Timeout (msec) - specifies timeout in milliseconds after which a connection must be established before an outage is recorded.

Monitoring frequency - specifies the current monitoring cycle. Default monitoring frequency is preconfigured according to the current billing tier. Available settings (subject to the billing plan) are: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 minute cycles.

Monitoring integration - monitoring data integration. CloudMonix will send data collected for a specific resource to the specified integration.